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Jan. 3rd, 2022

Hiking is a great activity if you’ve resolved to get fitter and spend more time outdoors this winter. Mallorca’s varied landscape and terrain offer hiking possibilities for all levels of fitness and ability.

The mountains of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Serra de Tramuntana offer wonderful hiking opportunities, including the famous Dry-Stone Route, the GR221. Walking the whole route takes several days and is best done in spring or autumn, rather than winter when the weather is not so consistent, but you can pick shorter sections from the route for this time of year.


Hiking with a guide is recommended for their expertise and knowledge. The company Mallorca Hiking offers a choice of appealing tailor-made escorted hikes, for individuals and groups. If you’re hiking in the mountains without an experienced guide, be sure to check the weather forecast before setting off!


You can also combine walking with meeting new people, practising your Spanish and learning about local history. The Walk & Talk group offers escorted Sunday walks in areas around Mallorca and publicises them on the Walk & Talk Facebook page.


No keen hiker or walker should miss a visit to the store Refugi de Muntanya in Palma, where you can kit yourself out with all types of hiking gear and find a great choice of maps and books about hiking in Mallorca.