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Eat Mallorca’s seasonal mushrooms

If you’ve been in the countryside in Mallorca recently, you’ll probably have spotted various types of fungus growing in the wild, usually at the foot of trees. Autumn is mushroom season, and it’s not unusual to see locals out foraging for them – particularly in the Serra de Tramuntana.

Mallorca has more than 100 edible types of fungus, but considerably more that should not be eaten. Eating fungi that you’ve foraged without knowing what type they are can be dangerous – and even fatal. So, unless you can buddy up with a knowledgeable forager, it’s better to buy your mushrooms from a local market.


The most popular mushrooms on many market stalls are the meaty, reddish, esclata-sangs and the yellow picornells, which are worth trying if you’re not familiar with them. Both are popular in seasonal, ‘mallorquín’ dishes, such as the soupy ‘arroz brut’.


Alaró in the foothills of the mountains celebrates mushrooms in a big way: ‘Alaró Cuina amb Bolets’ – Alaró cooks with mushrooms. From November 24th to December 10th, twelve restaurants, cafés, and bars in the town offer special dishes featuring mushrooms.


The town’s official website has details of the eateries taking part, their addresses, phone numbers, opening hours, and the special mushroom dishes. See below for the link with all the details.