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More English Theatre in Mallorca

If you enjoy going to the theatre to watch a play in English, there aren’t many chances to do that in Mallorca, but that is beginning to change, thanks to the Skald Theatre Group – based on the island.

Following the success of their first production, ‘The Bexhill Bookclub’, Icelandic playwright R T Kolbeinsson’s latest play in English has its premiere in November.


The Skald Theatre Group presents the 1960s-set play ‘A Helping Hand’ on Saturday, 9th and Sunday, 10th of November. Curtain-up is at 20:00h in the intimate setting of the Teatremól in Palma.


The play sounds intriguing: ‘A Helping Hand’ is set in a secluded manor house on the southern coast of Spain. Tensions simmer beneath a veneer of elegance, as secrets and suspicions swirl between a lady and her maid. A single night behind locked doors will change everything.


Tickets to see ‘A Helping Hand’ cost 15€ each and you can buy yours using the link on the Skald Theatre Group’s website.


And if you’re excited about English theatre in Mallorca, Skald Theatre Group is planning for their Christmas Play Festival in mid-December. Follow them on Instagram to keep up with their production news.