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Dec. 13rd, 2021

A nativity scene is a much-loved Christmas tradition in many Mallorcan homes. Festive market stalls in Plaza Mayor sell a huge choice of figures and ornaments to create or add to these nativity scenes, which are known as ‘betlems’ in Catalan.

The most spectacular ‘betlems’ though are available for all to see. Set up as miniature model villages, they are works of festive art you can visit in places around the island. They’re worth seeing for the aspects of Mallorcan rural life and often some amusing details and are appreciated by both adults and children. In Palma, the best-known is probably the ‘Betlem de Cort’ in the foyer of the town hall. There may be a queue at the entrance, but it’s worth the wait.

The indoor market in Santa Catalina has its own nativity scene, which you can visit during trading hours. Others in Palma include the ‘Betlem Mallorquí’ at the Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia and the ‘Betlem de la Fundació Sa Nostra’.

Towns and village outside Palma also boast their own nativity scenes. Consell, Deià, Felanitx, Maria de la Salut, Selva, and Sóller all have ‘betlems’ to visit. The displays mentioned are all created by the enthusiastic members of the ‘Betlemistes de Mallorca’ club – keeping this Christmas tradition alive.

Find details of the ‘Ruta de Betlems 2021’ on the link below.