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DEC 19th, 2022

If you’ve visited Mallorca’s Christmas market in Palma’s Plaza Major, you’ll have seen the stalls offering small figures and ornaments for nativity scenes – or ‘betlems’, as they are known here.

Many Mallorcans create nativity scenes at home as part of their festive decorations, but you can also see impressive ‘betlems’ in places in Palma that are open to the public and it’s worth a wander to see some of them. Most are very traditional but look closely at the details and you may spot a few quirky or contemporary touches too.


One of the most detailed and popular nativity scenes is the one inside Palma’s town hall in Plaza Cort. It’s open until January 6th on weekdays from 09:00-21:00h, and from 10:00-20:00h on weekends and public holidays.


Santa Catalina indoor market has a nativity scene, open from Monday to Saturday from 08:00 – 15:00 h.


You’ll find two nativity scenes in Carrer Sant Miguel. See the one at BBVA bank at number 24 during their opening hours. The Centro d’Historia i Cultura Militar de Baleares, at number 69, has another, open until 8th January, mornings from 11:00 – 13:30 h and evenings from 18:00 – 20:00 h.


Consell de Mallorca in Carrer Palau Reial has a ‘betlem’ open every day until 6th January, with reduced opening hours on weekends and public holidays.


‘Sa Nostra’ Cultural Centre’s traditional nativity scene can be visited mornings and evenings and is raising funds for the Blauets de Lluc choir. And the Fundació Barceló in Carrer de Sant Jaume also opens their ‘betlem’ mornings and evenings.


Happy wandering – and from all of us at Mallorca Sunshine Radio, a

Very Merry Christmas.