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Walk against Cancer

If the spring weather makes you get out and walk (or run), why not turn that exercise into a way to raise funds for Cancer Support Mallorca and sign up for the Walk Against Cancer 2024?

It happens throughout the month of April, when you set your own goals for what you plan to achieve, whether it’s a daily number of steps or a total for the month. The idea is to challenge yourself to increase your fitness during the month.

The first 150 adults and 50 children to register will receive a pack including a T-shirt and either a bag or water bottle. After you’ve registered, you’ll receive fundraising instructions and notifications of some events being organised during the month by Cancer Support Mallorca.

All money raised will go to Cancer Support Mallorca, a charity that helps cancer patients in Mallorca and Menorca. They provide translators, counselling, nutritional advice, and alternative therapies for free. They also have volunteers who help cancer patients with Spanish bureaucracy. And they provide items such as wigs, bandannas, prosthesis, all free of charge, to cancer patients.  

You can register to take part in April’s Walk Against Cancer by going to the website…